A CAT’s Tale — Student Groups 2015
A CAT’s Tale is being proudly presented by students, faculty and staff from the following departments and student organizations:
(UK College of Arts & Sciences) Arts & Sciences Ambassadors
(UK College of Law) Black Law Students Association (BLSA)
(UK College of Law) Kentucky Journal of Equine, Agriculture and Natural Resources Law (KJEANRL)
(UK College of Law) Kentucky Law Journal (KLJ)
(UK College of Law) Student Bar Association
(UK College of Law) Women’s Law Caucus
(UK College of Law) Health Law Society
(UK College of Medicine) Medical Residents, UK Department of Pediatrics (AdvoCats)
(UK) Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity, KY Gamma
(Transylvania University) Transylvania Gaming Society
(Fayette County Public Schools) The Learning Center at Linlee
CAT also thanks students, faculty and staff of the following departments for volunteering their time to make this event a success:
UK College of Social Work